Coffee with Alain sharing a motivational message. May the 4th Be With You, and Make it an Amazing Day.
Coffee with Alain discussing Zoombombing which is alive and well and still going on. Things you can do regarding these on-line hacks.
Coffee with Alain discussing a couple things to be aware of that might mean an impending attack.
Inspired by a chapter in How To Be Your Own Bodyguard by Nick Hughes.
Coffee with Alain discussing a quote about beginning life.
"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid that it will never begin."
- Grace Hansen
Coffee with Alain discussing the movie "Sisu" and overcoming challenges.
Coffee with Alain discussing the books "The Official Walt Disney Quote Book," "Term Limits," and "Words That Work."
"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing."
- Walt Disney
Coffee with Alain discussing things to make this a great weekend.
Coffee with Alain discussing your attitude and how that relates to Safety, Success, and Life.
Coffee with Alain sharing a safety tip and a life tip, both having to do with doors (one actual, one metaphorically).
"Sometimes we stare so long at a door that is closing that we see too late the...
Coffee with Alain discussing Sensei Fumio Demura and practicing martial arts.
Coffee with Alain sharing a simple success tip. Little tip, and another plug for getting out and interacting with people in your industry at conferences and events.
Coffee with Alain discussing the KMAF with Dickson Kunz.