Coffee with Alain sharing a few tips on staying safe during the heat.
Coffee with Alain sharing some Warrior Wisdom from the book by Sammy Franco.
Coffee with Alain discussing kids and keeping them safe.
Coffee with Alain sharing a motivational message.
Coffee with Alain sharing a little self-defense tip. Accuracy and knowing where to hit are important when striking.
Coffee with Alain discussing the books "The New Abs Diet" and "The Abs Diet Eat Right Every Time Guide" by David Zinczenko and "In Cyberspace" by Dave Barry.
Coffee with Alain discussing the proper way to fly with firearmes.
Coffee with Alain wishing you a happy and safe holiday!
May everyone in the U.S. celebrating have a safe and happy Independence Day this 4th of July. If not in the U.S., have a safe and wonderful...
Coffee with Alain discussing martial arts and goals for training.
Coffee with Alain sharing a simple little suggestion. Be Courteous to Others.
Coffee with Alain sharing a motivational message to kick off the second half of 2024.
Coffee with Alain sharing a little life tip to enjoy more and make your life exceptional.