Coffee with Alain discussing a thought provocing principle.
Coffee with Alain discussing street scams when people want to give you something, and then want money in return.
Coffee with Alain live from the SHOT Show in Las Vegas. Discussing a SNAFU and just dealing with it.
It was such a long morning I thought it was Monday and not Tuesday when I signed off.
Coffee with Alain discussing the SHOT Show (Shooting, Hunting, and Outdoor Trade Show).
Coffee with Alain sharing a short motivational message for today. Don't be a victim of circumstances. Seize the power to control your own destiny. Make the most of every day and every opportunity...
Coffee with Alain discussing the books "Staying Safe" by Juval Aviv and "Weapons Grade" by Don Bentley.
Coffee with Alain discussing ways to avoid getting your ass kicked.
Coffee with Alain discussing cold weather safety for your pets. Keept them safe during the cold weather, the rely on you.
Coffee with Alain Sharing a scam text from this morning and talking about the movie "The Boys In The Boat" produced and directed by George Clooney.
Coffee with Alain discussing raising kids and encouraging them and helping them to be exceptional.
Coffee with Alain honoring Martin Luther King Jr. on this holiday Monday.
Coffee with Alain discussing Facebook "Fact-Checkers" and how they are wrong on simple things, so how can you trust them with anything? If you are going to call yourself a "Fact-Checker" you should...