Coffee with Alain discussing the books "American Assassin" by Vince Flynn and "Twelve And A Half" by Gary Vaynerchuk.
Coffee with Alain discussing the books "Spotting Danger for Travelers" by Gary Quesenberry, "Miss America" by Howard Stern, and "Pursuit of Honor" by Vince Flynn.
Coffee with Alain discussing the books "One Little Spark" by Marty Sklar, "Dave Barry Does Japan" by Dave Barry, and "Extreme Measures" by Vince Flynn.
Coffee with Alain discussing the books "SeinLanguage" by Jerry Seinfeld and "Protect and Defend" by Vince Flynn.
Coffee with Alain discussing the books "Time Flies" by Bill Cosby, "Dave Barry Turns 40" by Dave Barry, "I Had the Right to Remain Silent..." by Ron White, and "Act of Treason" by Vince Flynn.
Coffee with Alain discussing the books "The Safety Minute" by Robert Siciliano, "No Is A Four Letter Word" by Chris Jericho, and "Consent To Kill" by Vince Flynn.
Coffee with Alain discussing the books "Fighting To Win" by David J. Rogers, "Seeds of Greatness" by Denis Waitley, and "Memorial Day" by Vince Flynn.
On Amazon:
Coffee with Alain discussing the books Flashlight Fighting by Phil Elmore, Verbal Judo by George Thompson and Executive Power by Vince Flynn.
Coffee with Alain discussing "Hapkido II" by Dr. He-Young Kimm, The Third Option by Vince Flynn, and Getting To Yes by Roger Fisher and William Ury.
Books on Amazon:
Dr. He-Young Kimm's ...
Coffee with Alain discussing the books "Knives, Knife Fighting, & Related Hassles by Marc MacYoung; "Building the Classic Physique" by Steve Reeves; and "Transfer of Power" by Vince Flynn
Coffee with Alain discussing the books "The Official Walt Disney Quote Book," "Term Limits," and "Words That Work."
"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing."
- Walt Disney
Coffee with Alain discussing The Power of Awareness by Dan Schilling and Separation of Power by Vince Flynn.
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