Coffee with Alain discussing the different response to a mugger or robber than the response to an active killer.
Coffee with Alain sharing a little caution on today's show.
Coffee with Alain discussing the "What If" Game to increase your personal safety.
Coffee with Alain discussing habits that make you a soft target and why you should spend time ensuring you are a hard target.
Coffee with Alain sharing a little safety tip during this crazy political climate.
Coffee with Alain discussing boundary setting for self-defense.
Coffee with Alain discussing the advice recived on where to stay for the California trip for the LAPD Less Lethal Expo and why advice like that can help keep you safe.
Coffee with Alain discussing a safety tip to keep your possessions safe.
Coffee with Alain discussing a new year's resolution you should adopt. Resolve to be safe and enjoy life.
Coffee with Alain discussing a new year's resolution you should adopt. Resolve to be safe and enjoy life.
Coffee with Alain discussing one way to minimize the risk of assault on the street.
Coffee with Alain discussing one of the most important ingredients to your safety and ability to defend yourself.